When you access and use the Internet site MAXIM'S SHOP US is likely to collect certain personal data concerning you, meaning information which relates to you as a natural person and which enables MAXIM'S SHOP US to identify you, either directly (such as, for example, your surname or your first name) or indirectly (such as, for example, the IP address of your navigation terminal).

This personal data may be collected when you browse the Site, use the contact form, create a customer account or place an order.

Your personal data is then subject to automated processing by MAXIM'S SHOP US.

MAXIM'S SHOP undertakes to process your personal data in a fair and lawful manner.

The purpose of this personal data policy is to inform you of the conditions under which MAXIM'S SHOP US processes your personal data, while ensuring their protection.

Who collects your personal data on this site?

The person responsible for processing your personal data collected on the MAXIM'S SHOP US Site is the company French Recipe LLC. 

What personal data is collected?

MAXIM'S SHOP US may process your first and last names, title, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, payment information, connection data (dates and times of connections, IP address) and navigation data, history of orders for products consulted, delivery incidents and complaints.

When is your personal data collected?

MAXIM'S SHOP US collects the personal data that you voluntarily provide, in particular when :

- You fill in a contact request form;

- You create or modify your customer account;

- You place an order for products.

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the forms for collecting your personal data on the Site are mandatory. MAXIM'S SHOP US draws your attention to the fact that if you do not provide this data, you will not be able to benefit from the services offered on the Site.

When you provide personal data on the Site concerning persons other than yourself, you guarantee that you have received the necessary authorizations and consents from the persons concerned by this personal data.

Other information of a technical nature concerning the consultation of the Site or its functionalities, in particular the IP address of your navigation terminal, is collected automatically as a result of your actions on the Site via cookies. 

On what legal basis and for what purposes is your personal data processed? 

On each of the following legal bases, MAXIM'S SHOP processes your personal data for the corresponding purposes: 

For the purposes of the execution of a contract concluded with MAXIM'S SHOP US or of pre-contractual measures taken at your request, your personal data is processed for the purposes of:

- Manage customer relations: management of customer accounts, orders, payment transactions, deliveries, invoices, accounting, customer relations, complaints, unpaid bills and disputes;

- To manage your requests to exercise your rights regarding your personal data

On the basis of MAXIM'S SHOP US's legitimate interest in improving the quality of its products and the Site, your personal data is processed for the purposes of 

- Carrying out statistics, analysis, canvassing and customer selection and segmentation operations in order to improve customer knowledge;

- To set up competitions and advertising games.

On the basis of the consent that you have given to French Recipe LLC in this respect, your personal data are processed for the purposes of

- Personalizing the Site according to your affinities and measuring its frequentation.

To whom will your personal data be transmitted?

The recipient of your personal data is the company French Recipe LLC.
MAXIM'S SHOP US may also transmit your personal data to subcontractors who process them on its behalf and according to its instructions. These subcontractors are in particular
- The banking organization responsible for the secure payment of the products ordered;
- MAXIM'S SHOP US's external technical service providers who are involved in the development, distribution, operation and maintenance of the Site, in particular the developer and the host;
- MAXIM'S SHOP US's external service providers involved in improving your experience when browsing the Site.
Finally, MAXIM'S SHOP US may be required to communicate your personal data to third parties in application of a law, a regulation, a decision of a regulatory or judicial authority and finally, if necessary, in order to preserve its own rights and interests, in particular in the event of a violation of the General Conditions of Use of the Site.

 How long is your personal data kept?
MAXIM'S SHOP US keeps your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, in compliance with the regulations in force.
Personal data relating to prospects who have only made a contact request are kept for 3 years from the date of their collection.
Personal data relating to a client account that has never been used to place an order is kept for 3 years from the last activity recorded on the client account. After this period, MAXIM'S SHOP US reserves the right to delete your account.
The personal data relating to a client account which has been used to place at least one order are kept for 3 years as from the last activity recorded on the client account, with the exception of the documents, accounting vouchers and information making it possible to prove an order for a product on the Site which are kept for a period of 10 years as from their collection, and this as accounting and fiscal proof.

What are your rights regarding your personal data and how can you exercise them?

MAXIM'S SHOP US informs you that you have the following rights at all times with regard to the personal data it processes concerning you
- a right of access ;
- a right of rectification;
- a right to erasure;
- a right to limitation of processing;
- a right to portability;
- a right to object to processing, in particular for commercial prospecting purposes;
- a right to withdraw at any time the consent you may have given when providing certain personal data, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent until such time as you withdraw it;
- a right to define general or specific directives relating to the retention, erasure or disclosure of your personal data after your death.
These rights may be exercised at any time by writing to MAXIM'S SHOP US:
- either by post: French Recipe, 4653 Nall Rd, Farmers Branch, TX 75244
- or by e-mail:

You may object to the use of your personal data at any time by sending a simple request to

MAXIM'S SHOP US collects the personal data that you voluntarily provide, in particular when :

- You fill in a contact request form;
- You create or modify your customer account;
- You place an order for products.
The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the forms for collecting your personal data on the Site are compulsory. MAXIM'S SHOP draws your attention to the fact that if you do not provide this data, you will not be able to benefit from the services offered on the Site